Simply put, The Nicholson Family Foundation’s mission is to champion organizations that create opportunities for local underserved youth in arts, education and social services.  



  • Focus on small budget organizations

  • Support youth-based programs

  • Fund within five Bay Area counties: Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz

  • Grow our community outreach by accepting Letters of Inquiry

  • Provide general operating support to established partners



  • We offer support with small grants up to $5,000.

  • We only fund youth-based programming.

  • Proportional to our grants, we prioritize non-profits with smaller budgets.

  • We fund within the five Bay Area Counties: Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz.

  • Our Multi-Year Grant program is by invitation only, and honors general operating support.

  • All organizations are required to take a year break from funding after any consecutive three-year period.

  • If you are interested in submitting a Letter of Inquiry, please fill out our online form.