Simply put, The Nicholson Family Foundation’s mission is to champion organizations that create opportunities for local underserved youth in arts, education and social services.
Focus on small budget organizations
Support youth-based programs
Fund within five Bay Area counties: Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz
Grow our community outreach by accepting Letters of Inquiry
Provide general operating support to established partners
We offer support with small grants up to $5,000.
We only fund youth-based programming.
Proportional to our grants, we prioritize non-profits with smaller budgets.
We fund within the five Bay Area Counties: Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz.
Our Multi-Year Grant program is by invitation only, and honors general operating support.
All organizations are required to take a year break from funding after any consecutive three-year period.
If you are interested in submitting a Letter of Inquiry, please fill out our online form.